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A Compendium of the Peoples of the World: Hobbits

 A Vain the Sword Addendum

(GLoGhack by Phlox)

Intelligent Peoples (of Holy Selmat and Beyond):











Gnomes, Fae and Related Peoples


Talking Animals   

    This section is dedicated to Theobo of Bordton - your grit and determination to keep me away is to be applauded, only my ability to fly gave me any advantage over you. I am lucky to have another molt this coming year, or I may have wept more bitterly over the loss of my left hand to your blade.

    Also referred to as “Halflings.”

    Small, humanoid, bipedal people of roughly three and a half (3.5) feet tall. These small people are fiery-tempered, even compared to humans, and often find themselves hungry for food and good company, and less often, are struck with a strong need to hoard gold. Hobbits are often easily distracted, and are best at “living in the moment” compared to any other intelligent race.

    Despite their small stature, these peoples are highly motivated and can present as much of a threat as most other species, particularly in groups. Their cultural knowledge of politics and trade systems is a welcome addition to any civilization, and their materialistic tendencies give them the motivation to perform adeptly in many businesses. 

    Hobbits have a fairly even population of male and females, and typically live in extended family groups, including parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and respective spouses. Rarely, hobbits do live alone, and even outcasts of hobbit societies will find themselves other peoples or animals to fulfill their social needs. 

    Despite their large family groups and involved social lives, outsiders rarely get glimpses into how these people live and function, as many hobbit towns are more exclusively hobbit than any other intelligent race, though they do maintain outside contact for trade and commerce purposes. Their cultural religion is typically a private and socially distant affair, with the topic being mostly taboo to bring up in situations that do not explicitly warrant it, especially with outsiders. This has, in the case of my research, meant that it has become increasingly difficult to observe hobbits in their day-to-day activities, particularly after one hobbit settlement found out about my research and had a particularly egregious thug follow me at a close distance whenever I did enter the town. 

    Hobbit food is well known for its generous portions, wonderful application of spices, and wide array of different ingredients used - indeed, even the most under-whelming hobbit chef would be welcome in most other settlements for their knowledge and skills.

    Biologically, hobbits reproduce through sexual reproduction, most often with their chosen partner, but sometimes multiple, which are often lawfully partnered with them as well. A single female hobbit may have as many exclusive male partners (sometimes called spouses) as she wishes, typically related to one another, and vice versa, though the group is often restricted to how many people a household can support properly. A particularly wealthy hobbit, for example, could support many partners and their children. 

    A female hobbit, once gravid, will carry her children for around six months, and give birth to anywhere between one and four children, most typically two identical children. These children will then be fed at her bosom for another year or so, until they can be weaned to soft foods. A hobbit reaches adulthood at fifteen years of age. 

    Average litter: 1-4 infants

    Average life-span: 50 years


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