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GLoGtober: Oct 1st 2021: GUN

GLoGtober of 2021 

    It occurs to me that I did not do GLoGtober last year, though this comes as no surprise to anyone, myself included, considering the amount I post normally.

But this year, I will try, going off of the lovely SunderedWorldDM’s GLoGtober ‘21 Back with a Vengeance. I will be focusing mainly on making a piece of art each day, since that is what I do, rarely am I a writer for this community.

Speaking of which, commission me? I digress.

Rolling off of the first table in this, I rolled…. “someone else’s generator/roll table” and thought to myself, would it indeed be funny if I did a post for GLoGtober ‘21 about… GLoGtober ‘20? After all, what is a prompt list but a generator for ideas? Is that a stretch? Maybe?

And then I decided I don’t give a fuck.

Here you are, my thoughts about Sundered’s GLoGtober from last year, and a drawing, because I am primarily a GLoG artist, not a writer.

First prompt: GUN
A sensible first start for literally everyone except an artist like me, who spent 90% of their time for the last two years drawing characters from bronze age themed settings. Horses haven’t even been domesticated yet, they’re still all smaller wild arseholes that want to kick you in the face.

So guns definitely are not something I usually draw or think about. The most advanced artillery of most of the settings I play in are…. bows? Only rich people have bows.

An interestingly vague and boring prompt, but I suppose that is the point, they all have to be very open, able to reach anyone who prefers any setting, limited only by their imagination and deep-rooted insecurities about how people will perceive them.


That said, I am delighted by every prompt from last year and might even do a little drawing for some of them to accompany my posts this month. Assuming I make more than just this post.

You start with a gun, and second gun, and GUN rounds worth of ammunition. You are a gun.
A) Gun, gun. Gun gun gun. You can act first in surprise rounds, always.
B) Gun GUN! Gun GUN gun gun, gun.
C) GUN GUN GUN. Gun? Gun gun gun gun.
D) GUN. GUN. Gun gun gun gun gun, gun gun, gun gun gun gun gun gun, gun gun. GUN.


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